
Shinsuke Shimada's retirement

I went for a drink with my friends on Sunday. There are 5 people including me. As a topic of the day, we talked about Shinsuke Shimada's retirement from show business and his sidelines. He is one of the most successful comedians. He have also succeeded in sidelines. He had raised eels when he was seventeen. He launched many businesses that are not only show business. Selling eels, real estate, management restaurants etc.

We were interested in launching business then.


Photo Shop Elements Editor from App Store

I bought Photo Shop Elements Editor from App Store. I can configure Brush Tablet Options with clicking the upside down triangle button to the right of the air spray icon. 

With checking Size and Hue Jitter on Brush Tablet Options, brush works like watercolors. Other options are also useful to enjoy various tastes of brush. I love it!


CEDE of peaches from Fukushima

I've calculated committed effective dose equivalent of peaches from Fukushima, and done about bananas too. The CEDE of the peaches is about three times as high as that of bananas.

CEDE is abbreviation of committed effective dose equivalent.

EDC is abbreviation of effective dose coefficient.
I quote figures of adults from the following page (ICRP Publ. 72).

The activity per kilogram of bananas is calculated as follows.
= 30.4[Bq/g] * (360*(10^-3))[g]/0.1[kg]

The activity per kilogram of peachs is quoted from the following page.

uSv is micro Sievert.


peach from Date in FukushimaCs-1371.90E-08681.292



The Falcon Hypersonic Test Vehicle 2 (HTV-2)




The HTV-2 fells at Mach 17 (21,000km/h). It's awesome! It is launchd by a Minotaur IV rocket. A Minotaur IV rocket is a solid fuel rocket and able to launch it quckly.


Making a recovery disk of a Macbook air with Lion

A Macbook air 2011 mid doesn't have the kind of recovery disks. Usually, we recover Lion through the internet. Of course, we need to start Utilities in the recovery partition.

However I had erased the recovery partition and could never start Utilities. It would be erased when HDD device name at the top of a device tree is highlighted. A Macbook air without a recovery partition goes net boot mode. Mine also did. It could recover with enough band width. Unfortunately my WiFi never has enough band width and net boot failed.

I brought my Macbook air to an Apple store. I made mine recovery with the store's WiFi.

After I returned my apartment, I made recovery disks as follows.
(1) insert a SD card or connect a USB HDD.
(2) copy a disk image file of the recovery partition to Desktop as follows.
$ diskutil list
0: GUID_partition_scheme *251.0 GB disk0
1: EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1
2: Apple_HFS Macintosh HD 250.1 GB disk0s2
3: Apple_Boot Recovery HD 650.0 MB disk0s3

$ diskutil mount /dev/disk0s3

$ cp -p /Volumes/Recovery\ HD/com.apple.recovery.boot/ BaseSystem.dmg ~/Desktop/

$ chflags nohidden ~/Desktop/BaseSystem.dmg

$ diskutil umount /dev/disk0s3

(3) Click BaseSystem.dmg, so it would be mounted.

(4) Use Disk Recovery to make a recovery disk from BaseSystem.dmg.